Kids University Darmstadt, Germany

Nikolai works together with Kids University Darmstadt and holds lecture "Internet for Kids". Even after relocation from Darmstadt to San Jose, he used Telepresence Video Conference Systems and run the lecture from San Jose.

Here is the agenda in German:

  1. 15 Minuten Mini-Video “Wie funktioniert das Internet?” (nicht alles, Ausschnitte) -> Beamer oder Webex mit Screen-Sharing
  2. Überblick Primolo: -> 10 Min. Video für Webseitengenerator und dann 60 Minuten, um eine Webseite mit 4 Unterseiten zu einem der u.g. Themen zu bauen:
    • Thema 1: Beste Sportarten für Kinder: Top 5 Sportarten in Deutschland, Teamsport, Individuelle Sportarten, erfolgreichste Sportler
    • Thema 2: Pokemon-Geheimnisse: kurze Spiel-Beschreibung, Pokemon-Arten, meine Liebligspokemone, Tipps und Tricks 
    • Thema 3: Pferde: Rassen, Futter, Gangarten, Reitsport 
  3. Optional, wenn die Zeit reicht: Überblick Scratch am Beispiel Elfmeter und
  4. Zusammenfassung 10 Min. Am Ende


Ice Hockey

Both sons (born in 2001 and 2008) are passionate ice hockey goalies. That's why Nikolai spent many hockey seasons as manager of the youth hockey team, goalie coaching manager, rink driver and locker room monitor for Mad Dogs Mannheim, Jungadler Mannheim and San Jose Sharks Junior Teams.

Ice Hockey provide a great preparation to the whole life - not everyone will win Olympic Finals or Stanley Cup, but team spirit, work ethic, communication skills and fairness are key points, kids will learn on the rink.

Nikolai also wrote a book about parenting top level youth athletes.


WorldSkill Chamionship in IT Network Systems Administraton

In 2015 Nikolai mentored Simon Stamm, who represented Germany at the 43rd IT WorldSkills São Paulo 2015 world championship. Final result: 11th place out of 30 finalists in IT Network Systems Administration.


Quiz and Brainstorming Games

In 1996 Nikolai founded Internet Club dedicated to the famous Russian Quiz Game " Что? Где? Когда?". Currently he plays in the Palo Alto Club.


Comments and Remarks to Russian Books

Nikolai is writing comments and remarks to his favorite Russian books: